Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I have no focus to write a real entry, so here are just two bits of news...

*I got a call from the English Dept. Head (former professor, all around fantastic human being) at the community college on Monday. He asked if I would be willing to teach 3 classes in the fall, and I had to tell him that I haven't graduated yet. But he didn't care! So I'm teaching two sections of Developmental Writing, and one section of Comp II. I'm going to pick up the textbooks today so that I can start planning -- classes start Sept. 4th.

*Knowlton Riverfest
I'll be reading my poetry there on Sunday afternoon along with a bunch of super-talented students from the community college.

1 comment:

icancarryallthebagsandthebabiestoo said...

What? That's pretty fantastic. Congratulations! I'm so stinkin' happy for you!!!!!!!!!