Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wisdom, Things, and Body Integration

For the month of December, I'm participating in a wonderful project called Reverb10. It calls for bloggers to reflect on daily prompts in preparation for 2011. For more information, see Reverb10.

December 10 – Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out? (Author: Susannah Conway)

I think the wisest decision I've made this year was to re-join Weight Watchers last month. I'd lost the baby weight I'd gained, but I was still overweight, so I decided to give WW a shot. I'd been a member a billion times in the past 10 years, but this time seemed different. I was (am) more determined. I'm a slow loser, and I've lost almost 7lbs in the past 6 weeks. That works for me. My eating is somewhat under control, so now I need to work on activity. I chase The Kid around a lot, but of course I need something more vigorous and disciplined. I'm considering joining the Y so that I can swim (and take swim classes with The Kid).

Also...I'm considering learning how to run. The only time I've ever run (aside from when I was kid) was in high school 17+ years ago when I had to run in gym class. I've never had a desire to run, and never understood people who did. But now, I want to do it. We'll see.


December 11 – 11 Things. What are 11 things your life doesn’t need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life? (Author: Sam Davidson)

Wow. 11 things? Let's see.

1. Clutter. I tend to hoard books, bags, and papers. I'm trying to simplify and get rid of what I don't need. The clutter is starting to drive me insane. I'm also embarrassed to have people over because of the mess. It needs to go away.

2. Extra weight. Losing the weight will make me healthier, but more importantly, I want to be a good healthy role model for my son.

3. Crap from the past. There are several people I'm "friends" with on Facebook whom I just don't like. But I keep in touch with them to know what's going on with them. I'm nosy. I don't want to be. Most of them just disappoint me with whom they've become.

4. Clothing. I have too many clothes. I wear the same things over and over, so I need to donate what I don't wear anymore.

5. Self-loathing. I have to stop hating myself. Because I'm pretty awesome.

6. The inability to say "no." I tend to over-extend myself because I can't say no. That needs to stop.

Hmmm...I'm not sure what else I want to get rid of. I'll re-visit this.


December 12 – Body Integration. This year, when did you feel the most integrated with your body? Did you have a moment where there wasn’t mind and body, but simply a cohesive YOU, alive and present? (Author: Patrick Reynolds)

Well, I don't know. I was going to say when I was giving birth, but I was definitely thinking then. I'm not sure I did have a moment in 2010 when I felt integrated with my body. I'm constantly thinking, no matter what I'm doing.

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